ccc2024 i have tried anything but still not success to creat a account on the main website ,i don't know why i need a existed account. and i would figure out something to pay for your generous
ccc2024 EugeneVR registration is ok,but stuck at "sign in", it remind me "check the box blow... proceed",but nothing blow the box,(i mean,no tips at all)
ccc2024 EugeneVR i tried the sign in thing another time.i fill it with my account and passwrd,push the button,then a red "Please check the box below to proceed:",but i cannot see anything blow any box,that's weird right?
EugeneVR ccc2024 Yep, it looks like you had a problem with captcha. Did you try to login using email and password that you put in a form?
EugeneVR ccc2024 You can also try to reset your password and try login into your account
ccc2024 EugeneVR login using email? yes ,but no use. reset passwrd? yes, push the "reset passwrd" button,then,"Please check the box below to proceed:" never saw CAPTCHA thing
ccc2024 EugeneVR sure,but i dont know how to upload pictures..,it was like no CAPTCHA form at all , just "username or email " and "passwrd", click the "sign in"button blow,later ,red "Please check the box below to proceed:" appeared,nothing else
ccc2024 EugeneVR no, it's windows 10µsoft edge, chinese simple edition(CN),can't reach any google website(blocked)