ccc2024 EugeneVR sure,but i dont know how to upload pictures..,it was like no CAPTCHA form at all , just "username or email " and "passwrd", click the "sign in"button blow,later ,red "Please check the box below to proceed:" appeared,nothing else
ccc2024 EugeneVR no, it's windows 10µsoft edge, chinese simple edition(CN),can't reach any google website(blocked)
ccc2024 EugeneVR i tried in the VR mode,the steamvr DEOVR app,still not work,same situation as before... i am in CHINA, does it matter?
ccc2024 EugeneVR no,i am not using any VPN, but i dont understand, because i can visit the main website,i can register and post here(, the same website right?)
EugeneVR ccc2024 It is reCaptcha issue, you have to use VPN if you're in China, otherwise your login attempt may stuck on it
ccc2024 EugeneVR i see ,would you fix this issue? i mean , i can use vpn ,but i cannot pay the PREMIUM in the vpn mode ,it may be not safe for paying.