Kieshi So the issue with controllers seems to be with the OpenXR settings. Try to turn off OpenXR in SteamVR settings under SteamVR->Settings->OpenXR->Meta Plugin Compatibility=Off We will work to get it resolved with the future iterations to be compatible with OpenXR
grimjack28 Kieshi ok so based on that i went in and disabled developer runtime features in the oculus software settings and now the left controller works again. thanks for the suggestion.
WhiteKitty Kieshi I found some points about issues with the PC version of DEOVR When I turn off OpenXR and use Steam VR, the controller displays normally However, turning off OpenXR will cause the DEOVR on the Oculus Store to fail to open.
Kieshi bono hello, could you please elaborate? Do you mean the Japanese and Korean letters being shown as unidentified symbols?
Harrie27 On my Q2 DeoVR starts and crashes to desktop right away. Rebooting, reinstalling makes no difference.
Kieshi Harrie27 could you please give more details for us to try and identify the issue? If you could make a video of the whole process and send it to me in DM, I would highly appreciate it
AwAZ Kieshi Impossible to interact with interface… I can see both of them pointing, but the DeoVR interface doesn't pick them up...they point into the distance behind the ui.
AwAZ Hello, with 13.13, DeoVR is impossible to use, there is no interaction with controllers, the dot is not on the interface, can’t use 🙁 please help or tell me how to downgrade the version
Kieshi AwAZ could you please let me know which headset you are using? Is it just DeOVR app or any particular setup like using SteamVR? please try to reload the app, alternatively, if this doesn't help, uninstalling the app and installing it again should help.
Kieshi spyro could you please let me know if this happens straights as you enter the app or does it work for some time and then stop? Did you try to reload the app, alternatively, if this doesn't help, try uninstalling the app and installing it again
Dekard Quest Pro - DeoVR boots up I can see the Deovr website but the Quest Pro controllers do not work, they just go through the videos and I can't select anything - I have to escape out and quit - DeoVR is totally useless without the ability to select things with the controller.
Kieshi Dekard just to clarify, when you open DeoVR app, it loads, you see main page with videos, but the controllers do not respond straight away after DeoVR app loading? Same as I mentioned before: try to uninstall the app and installing it again
Dekard Unsure why my post states deleted - but Quest Pro - DeoVR boots up I can see the Deovr website but the Quest Pro controllers do not work, they just go through the videos and I can't select anything - I have to escape out and quit - DeoVR is totally useless without the ability to select things with the controller.
tubep Kieshi I can see Japanese letters on the DLNA folder names properly with the app 13.13.1. Thank you for your works, happy holidays!