DrNuke75 Hey, could you send me, to sandi@deovr.com, your setup specs, OS version and headset you are using, we would like to reproduce the bug if possible.
App 13.9 released
plohish Hey, we are aware of this issue, it should be fixed early next week, we are preparing a hotfix version 13.9.2
13.9.1 Update is available:
Bug fixes:
- Video switching crash
@"SandHello, I fixed the problem by uploading the videos side by side in 3840x1080.
These videos are from the Sony TD10e camcorder so in MVC at the start.
I edit my edits now in 3840x1080 25ips and the problem is fixed.
Sincerely Jacques 3Di_DeoVR"#p3814
Thanks Sandy for your attention and prompt reply. Will let you know when I get 13.9.2 and if things are all better now.
13.9.2 Update is available:
Bug fixes:
- Brightness causing visual artifacts on video switch
- Automatic codec switching on windows
The issue with defaults is sadly still present, we didn't manage to fix it yet.
Sandi_DeoVR Hi Sandi, I am having a weird bug with .mov files being all blurry and non decoding properly. Converting them to .mp4 solves this. Just wanted to give u a heads up. Pico 4. Also, it appears the 6DOF object placement is a bit better? Maybe I am imagining it! LOL :
- Edited
coldbricks Hey, Pico is on android platform, afaik .mov its not supported by the player we use.
Sandi_DeoVR Yep, that is what I figured. Thanks!
Oculus Quest 2 still not playing h.265 files after the update. Just blurry.
Toonz Hey, it would really help us if you could send us a sample at sandi@deovr.com
All our samples play fine here, maybe there are some export settings in yours that we missed.
Thank you!
What about the Autofocus ?