• General
  • DLNA is going to be re-instated in DeoVR with upcoming update


It's already 'downgraded'.

Their SLR app has search function, categories and tag search, all of this is disabled in DeoVR, probably why it's hard for them to maintain.

I don't understand why DLNA which is a simple protocol, that doesn't need any kind of update, was removed in the first place...

Working fine since years, weird...

I am really pleased that you guys took the decision to put back DLNA. This was a major demand from your users and taking in consideration the users needs and demand pays back always more then other strategies. I am sure that those using your app and liking it will be more whiling and happy to support you then if you forced them to in a way that they feel forced and not considered. So seeing that you decide to keep and protect your greatest asset (Your users) is a wise and great decisions. I also believe that even if sometimes the language used was not totally acceptable those users were great in defending and not accepting the bad decisions. I wish you guys the best and hope that people will also give back their support in return for this decision.

If you will put again DLNA, i just have to say Thank you 😉

DLNA in DEO was ok. It was never good, it was just ok. On my Quest 2 i could clearly see it skipped frames, Skybox was much smoother in comparison. BUT without DLNA DEO is useless even if it's free

    plohish DLNA doesnt cause skipped frames if that's what you are saying

      rando Probably not, I just say how DLNA works in DEO. It skips frames, while Skybox doesn't

      Thanks for re-instating DLNA. Never had any issues with it. Having SMB support also is even better…

      Skybox keeps freezing every once in a while and I have to reset. Thank you so much for listening to the users and deciding to put DLNA back. Any ETA on this update?

      2 years later

      Hi guys, I know this is an old thread, however, i dont know where to post this.
      I'm kind of new to VR tech, I got my first occulus quest last week.

      I tried the minidlna server on osx to stream content to my occulus and it works perfectly, however, each movies is like 20Go and i can't keep them on my macos.
      I decided to put them on my NAS on my Freebox Delta (french box), it has natively uPnp/airplay/smb/airmedia support, however, I can't see any share from that box with Deo, I don't know what i'm missing here to put it to work... any idea ?

      Wifi configuration ? NAT setup ? something else ?


        optyler Hi! We're more of a streaming platform now, not supporting DLNA or local playback as much. Could you please forward this to our support ticket system by emailing at: support@deovr.com

        Someone from our devs team will have a look.

        Thank you!

          Agree, DLNA itself is phrasing out. A very simple http streaming server can serve files better than DLNA.

          On the other hand, if DeoVR really care about streaming, you should develop an Android app to take care of the task of streaming local videos to the VR headset. Depends on HTTP or DLNA servers to serve video files are really problematic for users.

          The best example is the Plex. They developed their own dedicate server and client at the same time. Now they dominate the streaming market for local movie playing.