Hey Guys!
Today we have released DeoVR ver. 9.0
Release notes:
- New dashboard UI design
- Browser updated
- Minor bug’s fixed.

Hi! I have just updated DeoVR on my Oculus Quest 2. However I am now unable to access my local host server via http. The app keeps changing it to https which it cannot connect. Is there any workaround?

    Another point to add regarding the above issue. If I try connecting to the local server, DeoVR would keep loading without any means to back out except for a timeout. It is worse when it try to connect to previous server on start, it would take like 30s before you can access the interface.

    Things works find on my PC DeoVR 8.55 so I am sure it's not my server problem.

    Updated interface feels a little snappier and I like the look. Thanks for the update.

    On Quest 2 I'm unable to get the app to load under a secondary account, only the primary. This is new to this release. Any Ideas?

    Edit: Uninstall and reinstall using the secondary account fixed this. Was instantaneously reinstalled, must be sharing install of primary account.

    • Yar likes this.

    Thank you for this new release 😉
    I updated the player in my quest2 and unfortunately, I have an issue when I try to access VR videos using the built-in browser. The image blink and oversized. I tried with more than 10 videos and same issues.
    I set back the player setting to default but not helped much. while the video is playing, I found that when your enable or disable "Force mono" parameter the image (video) stop blinking but the image/video remains oversized. the zoom works but, it has no more interest considering the huge size of the image.

    Thank your for your assistance

    • Tony replied to this.

      All stereo video playback is unwatchably glitchy after this update on the Quest 1. Seems like the player is fighting between stereo and mono. (the glitching is not present when forcing mono).

        Tony Hi, I don't know if this is the term to describe the issue I had with the image, but yes the video is not stable (fixe) the object/personne move fastly a kind of rapid flashing. My device standalone is set to 72Hz and I tried videos between 60 to 72 fps. The other issue is that the image is no longer at realistic size...
        I saw that I have a new version of firmware for my headset, maybe things would get better after updating, I’ll keep you in touch.


          thimmmy Hi, here's an update of my issue. As I mentionned i have now a latest version of my headset software but unfortunately i have the same issue. Oversized video/image and blinking.
          I think it's the same issue as reported by OkeDoke.

          OkeDoke All stereo video playback is unwatchably glitchy after this update on the Quest 1. Seems like the player is fighting between stereo and mono. (the glitching is not present when forcing mono).

            Jackal rmartins thimmmy OkeDoke

            HTTP is accessible again with update 9.02; Can you please check if the videos also play when starting them from your local webhost? Please share if it does or doesn't and which app you are using to run the server. Thanks!

            Videos play:

            • XBVR (confirmed)

            Videos don't play:

            • Search Everything (confirmed)

              Tony all good for me, thanks.

              there's an issue with the clock, pointing 1 hour less than the actual time from the main oculus clock, but not a big deal for me.

              Tony Hi , Thanks for the update. In my side, the 9.02 version did not solve my videos bug.
              By the way, I noticed that you have two videos in your deoVR library that reproduce this bug (videos with children at school...).

              thimmmy thimmmy Hi, here's an update of my issue. As I mentionned i have now a latest version of my headset software but unfortunately i have the same issue. Oversized video/image and blinking.
              I think it's the same issue as reported by OkeDoke.

              OkeDoke All stereo video playback is unwatchably glitchy after this update on the Quest 1. Seems like the player is fighting between stereo and mono. (the glitching is not present when forcing mono).

              I'm using Nginx for local hosting and 9.0.2 isn't working (possibly a few earlier point releases as well). The initial load screen is white. If I reload it changes to dark gray. The symptoms are the same (blank white or dark gray screen) for any of the following scenarios:

              Port 80 / HTTP:
              - Nginx is off. I would expect a no response type error.
              - Nginx is on with no "deovr" index file and AutoIndex on: I would expect a list of files here.
              - Nginx is on with a "deovr" file: I would expect the usual video preview tile screen.

              NOTE: This was working up until very recently.

                Thanks for fixing the http issue in 9.0.2. However I may have encountered another bug.
                I have my local server serving a deovr json file for my videoes.
                It seems that the "Previous Video" button in the playback UI is behaving incorrectly, it always goes to the last video of that library no matter which video in the library you are playing. The "Next video" button works fine loading the next video.


                Given the strange behavior I was experiencing, I uninstalled and re-installed the application and everything is fine now. Something must have gone wrong for me with one of the upgrades.

                14 days later

                Is the Deovr 9.x browser going to be recognizing deovr:// links sometime soon? They open from chrome but deovr 9.03 says ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_SCHEME whenever such link is clicked. Tried reinstalling.

                • Tony replied to this.

                  Stu are there any spaces or ambiguous characters in the path or filename?

                  • Stu replied to this.