I've been using DeoVR on Windows 10 for over a year now and never had this issue before. I have to select Vertical Flip in nearly every video to fix it, which is annoying.
Why is everything I play in DeoVR upside down now?
Avengerbob Never heard of this issue before. What device/headset are you using, and have you tried re-installing yet?
If that can help...
I had the same upside down problem after last update. I had to restart Oculus application to get it back to the normal. Using Lav or Klite (I tried both) I can reproduce the problem by switching from Direct Show to Alternative. I will have a message that I have to install Lav codes (btw spell check: a "C" in "codecs" is missing in your error message) and the image will flip upside down when I switch back to Direct Show.
I had another problem with Lav and Klite, the sound was missing while playing but I was able to ear the sound of the video by switching to oculus home (the video still playing in background). Switching back to the video and the sound disapeared again.
At last I have installed HEVC and now everything works just fine. :-)
Thank you John for all your work, your player is the best ! :-)
Just to confirm, I too have started having this issue (Rift CV1, Win10) about a month ago or so, that seems to happen spontaneously after watching some videos work fine, I play another video that has previously played normally, but decides to play upside down. Once that happens, any other video I start will also play upside down. Even if I close and restart DEOVR, it will occasionally still try playing videos flipped upside down. BUT, if I had used "flip vertically" setting, it remembers this setting so if it is corrected after a restart, now the I need to go back and unset the "flip vertically" setting. I have also started having some videos cause DEOVR to crash, taking me back to Oculus Home screen.
Both of these issues started at the same time, after an update but i am not 100% sure when. I believe it was about a month or a bit more back.
After re-installing HVEC as suggested by user ubini above, my issues with upside down video and some crashing have disappeared. Note, you may find that the Microsoft store asks for a .99 fee to purchase HVEC. There are perfectly legal alternatives. Google is your friend.
If this forum allows linking: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/hevc-video-extensions-from-device-manufacturer/9n4wgh0z6vhq?
If not, simply Google "Microsoft HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer"
Update: After the 7.0 DEOVR update last night to Oculus Rift CV1, I now have the same/similar problem again. I have reinstalled HEVC and that seems to have fixed the re-introduced issue. So, I believe there is some issue with the application of the DEOVR updates that breaks HEVC somehow. Reinstalling HEVC corrects it but this is not ideal behavior.
I've literally just encountered this problem now. Deo's been fine for me for years but only now I'm getting this problem. Not sure what to do tbh.
Free HEVC link to Microsoft Store seems brocken. I found a new solution here :
Have fun ! :-)