Is this really the direction DeoVR is going ?
It's pretty cool, but it seems quite far away from practical use. Like how do you expect consumers to bring volumetric scanners for a trip? And why a consumer needs volumetric experiences?
VR180 is all I need. I don't even want VR360. I am too lazy to stitch videos, and too lazy to turn my head back to see what's behind me.
If no consumers can make this kind of volumetric videos, then who will make them and post them on ?
Admit. This kind of things are great for corporations who need good representation of true 3D, but will they really pay much more money for it instead of the good old Zoom meetings ?
I know my words are quite harsh here. Please don't take it the wrong way. I only want DeoVR to be more popular and grow rapidly. I am just very confused about this volumetric tech and what kind of benefit it can bring to DeoVR.