aftrlifeent the player embedded on my site works with android without any issues but if an ios device is used the end user only gets audio. Is there a setting or code I need to add for ios specific devices? Thank You
aftrlifeent Here is the link to my test video I recorded last week
Tony aftrlifeent Which video in particular? mp4 is a container (format), it can store many different kind of codecs. Column mp4: Video Audio: And each codec has it's own truckload of settings too. For best compatibility with pretty much any OS and hardware, use .264 4:2:0 (aka AVC) .265 (aka HEVC) is widely supported aswel but takes much longer to compile/decompile and in most cases also has to be specifically installed by the enduser. For windows 10: Which iOS device are you using? Not all devices all support .265 or even all .264 settings.
aftrlifeent its ok I have several on there for testing and found that HLS seems to fix my issue instead of running it via mp4. seems to run on all IOS devices from what I can see now. Thank you for the info and looking into it.