Hi. I am making flat 3D videos by double GoPro system. I tried to upload test video but the result is not good. Such type of video ( SBS_flat ) showed in player on very small virtual screen. Yes I know, I can use zoom option, but other users could not understand that it is possible. My GoPros have wide angle lenses so I increased zoom 1.5 times to get a realistic view. But left and right edges of the frame look not good. It would be better to player has a curved screen option like in YoutubeVR app and in Skybox Player. Also it would be better to specify the curvature and zoom parameter to file, like this for example: filenameCurved_SBS_150 , where "150" is view angle. This wiew angle is wide enough, almost like 180 degree but anyway smaller, so I can't use 180 degree mode for my videos. But quality of my videos are very good, so I can offer good content to users.
Sorry if my English is not good. English is not my native language. My language is Russian. I am Russian living in Australia 3 years, and I am still not good English speaker. Kirill, your name looks like Russian or Ukrainian or Belarus, can you speak in Russian?