Chrisc78 The following two links has a 3D SBS and TB video that is ment to view flat but unlike 180 videos we don't have the option to change Side by Side to Top and Bottom or vice versa. The videos are made by converting 2D video to 3D using a app called Owl3D that is in beta right now.
Sandi_DeoVR Hey, it is set automatically if you add it in name _SBS or _TB, remove the attribute to get the dropdown to show.
Chrisc78 Sandi_DeoVR can you get the menu to show with the attribute? Please I noticed a bug if you try to view the image other then Flat it will show both images and not in 3D when you go back to try and view the photo flat
Chrisc78 While watching the videos i posted change "Flat" to everthing else in the menu then at the end change it back to "Flat and the image will not show right. And unless you change the file name of the video it will be stuck like that forever.