Hillman1970 I have lost video sound. I get sound on all my other apps. Is this a bug, if not where are the settings.
AntoninaDeoVR Hillman1970, is the problem relevant for a certain video or for several? Could you please try reinstalling the app?
Hillman1970 Any video I select from DeoVR home or stored locally has no sound. Other apps on my Quest 3 are fine. Do you mean reinstall DeoVR?
Hillman1970 Sorry it was my error. The sound settings on my PC were set to the video card not the headphones/Quest. Not sure why this changed on its own or why it might work this way previously, but not now?
bncecil Hillman1970 When I use Link or Airlink to connect to my PC the Windows audio output device does not automatically switch to the Quest headset like it used to do. Meta is no help in resolving this. I have to manually switch to the device setting when I disconnect or connect my Quest 2. Virtual Desktop switches back and forth automatically. I did a factory reset on the headset and went through all the support docs on Meta for sound issues. All to no avail. The behavior began with on of the updates last year or in 2023. I have not reinstalled the app software on my PC. I doubt that will change anything.