Arrr... very interesting ! Would you like to tell us more about this feature?
/This is a third party integration for partners.

  • Yar likes this.

I'm on Oculus Quest2..... This new release is excellent!!!
Only a little request: when I browse my computer Lan (connected via wi-fi) using the note utility "everything" via f.e. http, the option to switch to next video is NOT available ( seems to be it is available only on local directory)...
Is it possible enable this feature? THanks

4 days later

Hey Guys!
Today we have released DeoVR ver. 12.5

DeoVR Windows Oculus
DeoVR Windows Steam
DeoVR Quest

Release notes:

  • Fisheye 190 and RF52 meshes added
  • Bug fixes

    Oh, wow ! Now the doc is updated as well:

    to switch StereoMode:

    • _180
    • _360
    • _fisheye
    • _fisheye190 \Canon VR lens
    • _rf52 \Canon VR lens
    • _mkx200
    • _vrca220

    Nicely done !
    I just hope more media-making people will buy that $2000 Canon lens and $4000 Canon body to make some nice videos.
    It's actually a cheap professional setup.

    14 days later

    Hey Guys!
    Today we have released DeoVR Quest \ Sidequest ver. 12.7 with Oculus Handtracking support!

    We hope you enjoy!

    bncecil Hey hey! We are currently planning to change the logic of working with local files.

    Yar The latest patch notes on Steam have the wrong version; the one from June 28th says it's 12.4, but the contents imply that it's supposed to be 12.5.

    • Yar replied to this.

      Hey Guys!
      Today we have released DeoVR ver. 12.8

      Release notes:

      • New VR Keyboard design
      • Bug fixes.


        Am I blind or did you remove the colon character from the keyboard?

        Wait, what ????!!!
        Why would anyone wanted to remove the colon character from the keyboard ???!!!
        I am so so dumbfounded ! Face-palm big time.

        Not usable for me without the colon wtf!!!!!!???????

        Updating on headset as I type. Bet it fixes the keyboard.

        edit: yup, fixed.

        Hey Guys!
        Today we have released DeoVR ver. 12.9 with VR Keyboard bug fixes.

        Thank you all for the indifferent! 😅

        a month later

        Hey Guys!
        Today we have released DeoVR ver. 13.0

        Release notes:

        • DeoVR lock on channel fuction (see "Developer settings" while you are on
        • Anaglyph mode added for video editting
        • Bug fixes.

        i can't find "Developer settings"on, could you be a bit more precise on the location please. ta

        13 days later

        Hey Guys!
        Today we have released DeoVR ver. 13.1

        Release notes:

        • Premium tab added for users with DeoVR premium subscription
        • Pass through added
        • Bug fixes.