I've recently built a private website to publish my personal 180VR and 360 videos.
I can see all the thumbnails, previews and videos perfectly using the official DeoVR app on my iPhone, Oculus Go and Oculus Quest 2 (native and Link/AirLink).
But, I wanna go further and want to be able to get the filters menu, like those we can see when charging the SLR website on DeoVR.
I took a look to the SLR json files and see sections that are not described into DeoVR Documentation :
- Categories / niche / id|name
- Categories / tag / id|name
- Actors / id|name
and more. But I'm interested by these ones for now.
I tried to add it to my JSON files but no luck, I can't see theses options.
I tried to sniff the traffic between my headsets and internet when accessing to SLR, but I can't find anything, neither.
So I decided to open the binary files and found some hardcoded access to an SLR API. So there's a clear relation between SLR and DeoVR I didn't know and I can't use.
But the question is... Is there a legit way to get this feature without tweaking the binary files?