Hi, first I must say that DeoVR works really great on the Quest 2 and I have a lot of fun enjoying panorama photos, so thanks a lot for the great work!
But I do have a problem with some videos, even after successfully setting up DLNA via Universal Media Server working great with said panorama drone shots and the demo videos on DeoVR:
I can't get 360 videos of the Samsung Gear 360 viewed properly. Through DLNA I only see the spinning wheel. The videos are MP4 (4096 × 2048 with H.264 side-by-side) and Universal Media Server seems to not show them directly but re-encode them endlessly? The server only says:
11:24:51 INFO Started playing 360_0034_Stitch_XHC.MP4 on your Chromecast
But on the Quest 2 the ball is spinning and after minutes it says unsupported video format.
Do I need to re-encode in some form?
I also have the original fisheye videos (4096 × 2048 HEVC) videos, but it's the same thing.
Lastly, fisheye photos (coming straight out of the Gear 360) can't be viewed properly, or am I missing a setting?
Or should I wait for direct SMB support?
Thanks a lot for any help!!!