Hi, guys !
Thank you for greate product you are making for us. I am rendering some futuristic contend with C4D/Vray and would like to present it as best as possible in my old Oculus Go. Could you please help me to find the best size of the images to display in your player in FLAT-Stereo and VR180-Stereo modes ?
I've done some investigations and the results are following:
Width| Height| Size| Flat-stereo| VR180-stereo
8192 4096 33554432 Ok Ok
8192 8192 67108864 Flickers Ok
10240 2880 29491200 Ok Ok
10240 4096 41943040 Flickers Ok
10240 8192 83886080 Hangs Hangs
I am wonder what is the reason of flickering also ?
Thanks in advance.