Hi All, I am still having issues with degree based mesh videos. When I set the screenType to (for example) 220, it still only shows as a round circle (i.e its not being stretched at all). Support kindly gave me some advice over email, which was to use a different naming convention for the files than documented in the 'documentation'. I have given this a go but I am still not having any luck. This is what support told me to do:
It looks like you are not preparing the final file correctly.
What camera do you use? We have 180-200-220 degree playback options.
To turn on the mode immediately, you must correctly name the file.
Side by Side SBS or LR
Top-Bottom TB or OverUnder
180° 180
360° 360(also for 270°)
For example:
Title_SBS_360.mp4 sets Side by Side & 360°
So that's what I did, but as mentioned it still isn't working. Here is the name of my file:
and here is the contents of my config file:
"title":"Christmas Morning 2020 fisheye 220",
Can someone enlighten me as to what I am still doing wrong?
Many thanks!