KatDEO The DeoVR team has been working on a project to modify and improve the Canon RF5.2mm dual fisheye lens. This lens is a key element of the Canon EOS VR ecosystem behind most of the high-grade stereoscopic 180° VR content available today. However, the default 60mm IPD gives scaling issues, making the visuals look less realistic and less immersive. Our goal is to alter this IPD to deliver lifelike visuals with accurate scaling. Read the full article here: https://deovr.com/blog/81-modifying-the-canon-rf52mm-vr-lens-ipd-to-provide-accurate-scale
lightscamerago Why did Canon design the lens with a 60mm IPD? Has to be one of the dumbest decisions in VR history. Shocking to come from Canon who are usually great with tech. Great that it can be fixed though!